Channel 4 and List Programmes… Back Again

Back in April, I noted that I thought it was foolish that Jay Hunt had said that Channel 4 would no longer be making list programmes.
I pointed out that in 2007, Kevin Lygo had said the same thing. And that subsequently, Channel 4 had continued to make list programmes.
Memories are terribly short in the TV commissioning world, especially when you’re looking for cheap multi-hour programming.
Fast forward just five months, and what do we have?
Why, I do believe it’s a Channel 4 list programme.
This time around it’s by Stephen Fry. So that’s all right then. Perhaps it shouldn’t even count? Well Fry himself likens it to other top 100 programmes. So I think it does.
Memories are short in TV. But this is ridiculous.





2 responses to “Channel 4 and List Programmes… Back Again”

  1. Dan avatar

    If I remember rightly didn’t they say there would be no more list programmes beyond those that had already been commissioned, i.e the Jonathan Ross Toys one and this one as well?

  2. Adam Bowie avatar

    So we have to let this one go as the last one. And kind of ignore “How Hip Hop Changed The World” which was a Top 50 show a couple of weeks ago. A worthwhile show, but no need to be framed in the form of a list show.
    And the Mediaguardian piece I linked to above only mentioned one show sitting in the wings at the time – 50 Worst Weddings.
    Clearly the combined talents of Stephen Fry and Idris Elba meant that they couldn’t quite break the addiction.