Month: February 2004

  • Terrorists – They’re Everywhere

    Would you want to live in a country where they could arrest you, lock you up, and never put you on trial for any offense? Or maybe if there was a trial, it’d be before a single judge and held secretly? Welcome to the UK under Blunkett. Incidentally, would Lord Hutton have been one of…

  • PSB – Public Service Broadcasting

    It concerns me that terrestrial commercial television broadcasters in the UK are trying to reduce their PSB remits. Charles Allen is interviewed in Media Guardian today, on the morning that ITV plc is born. “Allen wants the PSB review to contribute to a new definition of ITV’s public service role, which he believes should take…

  • The Sunday Format

    I missed the entire first series of The Sunday Format, but thanks to Listen Again, I’m hearing the first episode of series 2 now. How about this excerpt discussing features of their new CD supplement: Computer cookies that track your internet use and help us learn more about you. Best of all, The Moment on…

  • Spam Count

    Well the results are in: Last week – 197 pieces of spam over a 24 hour period. This week – 21 pieces spam over a similar period. That’s quite a significant reduction. And my spam filter is only going to get better and cleaner as a result.