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Matrix Reloaded

So I got to go to the (UK) premiere of this last night. The tickets said that doors open at 6.30 and that everyone should be seated by 7.30. We arrived at 7.00 in torrential rain. I can honestly say that I haven’t seen quite as big a premiere as this previously in Leicester Square. I haven’t been to all that many, but you don’t usually get the whole square closed off.
Fortunately it was being held in the Odeon which is my favourite cinema – great screen, and it looks wonderful outside – particularly last night, when it was bedecked with flashing green lights. There were also two giant screens relaying pictures of the stars arriving, to the waiting throngs of fans and autograph seekers.
These pictures are also rebroadcast onto the main screen inside the cinema so that you can eat your small bag of complimentary popcorn whilst watching Radio 1’s Colin Murray trying to interview Michelle Collins who doesn’t seem to really have understood the first film.
Eventually we get Lawrence Fishburn, a couple of Brits who used to be downmarket versions of Handy Andy, Hugo Weaving and of course Keanu. Sadly, no Carrie-Anne Moss or Monica Bellucci.
Anyhow, what of the film. Well there have apparently been some disappointing reviews. I say “apparently” because I have deliberately ignored all the reviews to date to avoid spoiling plotlines.
I think the disappointment is probably a result of the film not being non-stop action. There are some massive set pieces which go totally OTT with action. In particular the fight with all the Agent Smiths, and a monumental car chase sequence. But there are also long periods of plot exposition and dialogue, and they seem to bore some people.
The plot isn’t that simple.
But I couldn’t construe it as being complex either. I must say that I thoroughly enjoyed it. But I made one mistake.
I didn’t stay until the end of the credits, where, I believe, there’s a trailer for the next film!

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