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The BBC aired a disturbing drama-documentary this evening just before the 20th anniversary of the Bhopal tragedy.
Aside from people still suffering terribly, and the whole area being unclean, there’s still a warrant out for the arrest of Warren Anderson (There is an extradition treaty).
Union Carbide never accepted responsibility.
Dow Chemical claim never to have had anything to do with Bhopal, yet they find this statement to be necessary.
Amnesty International has a different view – they’ve published a substantial report (PDF) about the tragedy.
[Update] Mediaguardian highlights the fact that only 2.2 million watched it. So should the Beeb instead have been pandering to the masses by chucking a bunch of people many of whom you’ve never heard of, into a jungle in Australia where you feed them insects or whatever? Of course not. I pay my licence fee for decent and worthwhile fare like this. Ratings are meaningless in this respect.

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