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Alex Cox

I’ve just noticed that filmmaker Alex Cox is blogging again.
A while back, he used to write a weekly column for the BBC film website. He kept a weekly update of how his filmmaking was going. But probably due to the political nature that his life tended to take, he was removed, and the diary switched to his own site until back in March last year he stopped it.
Now it’s back, although due to the unblog-like nature of his site (no RSS, no calendars to surf around), I don’t know how long it’s been going on for prior to the start of August this year. There’s a re-release of an extras packed edition of probably his most famous film, Repo Man, in the works, so this might to be build interest. But Cox is unlikely to be doing it for such a reason.
Of course, I remember him mostly for his introductions to the BBC2 cult film series, Moviedrome. It showed some great films, both big and small, and acted a real education.
It’s a shame that we don’t get more introductions to film series like this anymore. I guess that we’re supposed to just buy the extras-laden DVDs (and then rebuy our collections in HD-DVD or Blue Ray or whatever). But if you don’t know about the film in the first place, you’re not going to buy the DVD.

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