Kite Aerial Photography #2 – Trent Park in the Wind

KAP#2 Trent Park-6

A few weeks after my first failure to get a camera airborne, I had another go in a local park.

This time there was enough wind. But I was faced with a different problem – too much wind, and too gusty!

The kite went straight up without a hitch. But the next problem was really the amount of movement. The camera – an A470 – isn’t very flexibile. And so far, short of turning off the flash, the camera is taking photos in auto. But with lots of movement, and even with sometimes quite fast shutterspeed (up to 1/500 sec), there were an awful lot of blurry photos. I’d also attempted to take photos at sunset, which means that there wasn’t an enormous amount of light. On the other hand, I’m just not quite ready to send a better camera upwards right now!

Anyway, more results below. But what I’ve learnt from this time around is that:

– I need more light
– I should put the camera into Sport mode to get a high shutter speed
– I need less gusty wind so that the camera hangs more steadily
– I need a winder because all that line is very tiring to pull in and out!

KAP#2 Trent Park-2

KAP#2 Trent Park-7

KAP#2 Trent Park-8

KAP#2 Trent Park-10

KAP#2 Trent Park-14

KAP#2 Trent Park-9

KAP#2 Trent Park-16


