Kill Bill

Such a lot to catch up with!
Anyhow, I saw Kill Bill finally last week, even though I do have a fundamental problem with what was originally one film, being broken into two. Twice the lucre then? Two DVDs followed by a limited edition boxset DVD with previously unreleased extras ad nauseum…
And I had thought that all this “4th film” nonsense was a marketing thing, until I saw the opening credits which included it. I can’t recall any other film maker doing this, and it seems a little ahead of yourself to do it. Let film historians put the film into the context of the rest of your oeuvre.
Those two things aside, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Lots of OTT violence certainly, but lots of great staging, and homages. I loved the anim� section too which blended nicely into the rest of the film. And even if it was one film cleaved into two, the end came quite naturally leading in to the sequel whenever that’s released next year.


