Democracy of Access – No Democracy of Talent

“The vast majority of them, I would say, are not worth the time it took to type them into the keyboard.” Val McDermed speaking about weblogs on The Message.
I certainly hope that this writing isn’t “sub Bridget Jones” and I can honestly say that despite the fact that I read The Guardian, I don’t write this in the desire to make that paper’s list of best weblogs.
But the programme did have a decent discussion largely about diaries but also on blogs. I did have a concern that there was unspoken belief that only people with interesting lives deserve to have diaries preserved for future generations. And I’d argue the point that this little site won’t exist somewhere in 100 years time. I’d like to think that while some relative of mine will probably have 22nd century DVD with it all on, but even better, someone will have saved this alongside millions more sites in an Archive type project. I’m not going to argue the case that academics will be studying my words ever again, and nobody’s going to publish these ramblings in the way that Tony Benn’s diaries are published.
Look at Google Groups. Words I’ve said there in the dim and distant past are now preserved for eternity (or until Google sells the catalogue on).


