Month: July 2004

  • Outfoxed

    Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch’s War on Journalism looks very interesting. Read about how it was made here.

  • Pilger Season

    Thanks to the Mausoleum Club forum, I’ve just found out that the ITV News Channel is having a John Pilger season! Better get the videos at the ready. The ITV News Channel is a strange beast. It would appear to be much less well funded than either News 24 or Sky News, but it plugs…

  • Discovery – The New Space Race

    There’s an excellent series on the World Service called Discovery which is in the middle of a four part strand called The New Space Race. If it hadn’t been for the fact that I’m only now catching up with my recordings, I’d have mentioned this before. The full series is/will be available to listen from…

  • Hard Disk Music Players

    Finally we’re beginning to see cheaper generic music players coming through. I got an email from Novatech today advertising their 20GB music player for 149.95 – the NPOD if you will! I’d been wondering how long it was going to take for some Chinese factory to start knocking out generics. The specs don’t look too…

  • Fahrenheit 9/11

    I’ve been looking forward to seeing this film since I heard that Michael Moore was making it. It’s been doing excellent box office in America, but given the sales of his books, that’s maybe not surprising. The film starts with the well-trodden Bush election fiasco. Actually, it wasn’t a fiasco, it was a travesty of…

  • My Bad What?

    OK – I don’t want to sound like an old fogey, but what the hell is it with the phrase “My Bad”? I can honestly say that I’ve not heard it spoken anywhere, just read it. Usually when people are apologising for getting something wrong or not explaining something properly. It makes no sense! Stop…

  • MT Blacklist

    I’ve just installed MT Blacklist after a number of tedious spam blog entries over the last few weeks culminating in around a dozen entries all made within 24 hours of one another the other day. I know that this is low compared to some people, but it’s still a pain. I’m pleased to say that…

  • F1 in London

    Well that was a built of a shambles wasn’t it? I work right next to Regent Street where several Formula One cars were effectively parading up and down doing around 80mph last night. Since all the tube stations were closed, I was involved like it or not. As a matter of interest, despite my overall…

  • Le Tour 2004

    Once again the Tour De France is upon us, and amazinhgly, ITV2 are still giving it reasonable amounts of airtime (undoubtedly helped by the fact that it has a sponsor in Michelob Ultra). Live coverage seems to be limited to occassional transmissions at the weekend when Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwin manage the very clever…

  • Copyright Daleks

    So the Terry Nation estate hasn’t been able to agree terms with the BBC over use of the Daleks in the new series of Dr Who. A shame, but it does let them use the Daleks at a later date.

  • Cassini

    The Cassini-Huygens probe has successfully entered orbit around Saturn after it’s four year journey to the planet, taking the first of what will undoubtedly be a great set of photos. Cassini was a Genoese astronomer who amongst many achievements, discovered four of Saturn’s moons in the late 17th century. Huygens, a Dutch astronomer, discovered the…

  • Downloadable Radio

    On my way into work of a morning, I tend to flick around the radio listening to maybe Danny Baker on BBC London, sometimes Radio Five Live and of course our very own Pete & Geoff on Virgin. But halfway through my journey, I head downwards and complete it on the underground meaning that I…