MT Blacklist

I’ve just installed MT Blacklist after a number of tedious spam blog entries over the last few weeks culminating in around a dozen entries all made within 24 hours of one another the other day. I know that this is low compared to some people, but it’s still a pain.
I’m pleased to say that installation was thoroughly painless and the plugin did the trick admirably!





2 responses to “MT Blacklist”

  1. kevin avatar

    Hey. I got to your site today, from… nice blog mate.
    But anyway, I saw your post about blacklist and just installed it. Though I get spam, BL also does something else good – you can use keywords (names, emails etc.) to block comments by posters with variable ip address’s. I’ve been having trouble with one, but no longer! cheers for that.
    oh and good to see halo jones up there 🙂 glad to see you didn’t use Skizz heheh 🙂

  2. Adam Bowie avatar

    I read about MT Blacklist a while ago, but I’m always of the “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” mentality. Sadly this type of spam is only set to continue, and it seems remarkably easy to keep this blog clean with this facility.
    Yup – I’m still hanging out with Halo Jones…