90 Days

Yup – the stupid British public think that it’s a great idea that the police can lock someone up for three months without even charging them. Isn’t this another blindingly stupid idea? Politicians well know that the public at large simply don’t understand what the full ramifications of this kind of legislation truly is.
Your average “man in the street” might think this is a great idea, until they realise it’s them who’re being locked up for such a long time without anyone having any kind of evidence to keep you locked up.
Once more, we’re losing some of our civil liberties, something this government is fast getting a reputation for with their pointless ID Card scheme.
Tuesday’s Sun has an “evocative” picture of someone suffering at the hands of terrorists, but this is not going to stop that. What it’ll do is simply mean more innocent people are locked up for longer.
Maybe the Government can step forward and give us a few hard and fast examples of some cases where terrorists got away because the police didn’t have any evidence and weren’t able to hold them. I suspect not, because the current 14 days is quite enough.


