Turkish Gambit

This is the third of the Fandorin novels to be published in English. I’m not all together convinced that they’ve been published over here in the same language as they were in Russia, since this one seems to follow on more from the first UK published novel than the last.
In this instance our hero is heading towards the front during the Russo-Turkish War. I must admit that I didn’t even know that there had been such a war, never mind any of the ins or outs of it. Also heading in the same direction is the headstrong Varvara Suvorova who’s trying to meet up with her husband.
We’re soon thrown into a plot steeped with spies, foreign correspondents and double crossing. It takes a while to reach the conclusion but we get there eventually, and this novel is taken a little more seriously than the Agatha Christie style Murder on the Leviathan.
I look forward to reading more Fandorin novels published in English – I think we’ve got a few more to go.


