ID Cards Back on the Agenda

I’m getting terribly bored with this, but the PM will insist on continuing to push an utterly pointless cause. It’s ID Cards – or the really big database – that I’m talking about. He’s back on the offensive again with a piece in the Telegraph today. He seems not to have won over those readers though, since the commenters are largely hostile.
Over at the other end of the political spectrum, Henry Porter’s written another piece on The Guardian’s Comment Is Free site. Again, nearly all the commenters are hostile towards the ID Card scheme.
Now two newspaper sites and two sets of hostile commenters, does not, a good argument make in itself. Except that they are right. It’s such a pointlessly expensive system that will remove civil liberties and not help solve crimes, I can’t be bothered to go through the arguments again. Read the comments in the above two articles and then visit


