How NOT To Rebrand Your Radio Station

There’s an entertaining blog on Media Guardian that compares the route that my employers have taken in rebranding Virgin Radio as Absolute Radio compared with the route taken by Revolution in Oldham:
For years the station bucked the trend of better music mixes and instead served up alternative indie and rock, making presenters out of local musical icons
But then a fortnight ago, without any prior announcement, the station’s music policy changed beyond recognition. The curious sounds of credible bands you’d never heard of dispersed into the Mancunian ether, replaced overnight by perennial favourites James Blunt, the Bee Gees and Take That. No explanation. Big gaps everywhere. Lots of adverts. Ace of Base.
Bizarrely, the clearly furious presenters were still allowed to go on air. Upon playing Elton John’s I’m Still Standing, one presenter commented angrily: “No, this isn’t ironic.” It was to be his last comment on the matter; non-stop music followed.

[UPDATE] Steve Penk bought the station!
That could explain a lot!



