Most of my thoughts on RAJAR today are published on the One Golden Square blog. So I won’t bother repeating them here.
I needed a photo to illustrate RAJAR on the blog, so I took the one above. Although RAJAR’s mostly electronic these days, printing a copy of the summary PDF is still useful.
But of course I’ve previously taken a very similar RAJAR photo. And wouldn’t you know it? The Radio Four Blog used it to illustrate its piece about that station’s RAJAR figures using the Creative Commons licence I apply to nearly every photo I place on Flickr.
Note to self: must think of some different illustrative photos of RAJAR.
[I’d put a disclaimer on this post, about these being my thoughts and not those of my employer, but that’s a bit redundant in this instance. And in any case, the thoughts published on the One Golden Square blog, do actually reflect those of my employer.]


