Highbury and “Something Else”

Yesterday I went to two fabulous places. Sadly, due to my having to sign an NDA, I can only talk about one of them. But if you run into me, feel free to ask! Roll on 2006 is all I can say, when, at some point, I’ll be able to reveal all…
The place I can talk about is Arsenal. I was supposed to be seeing the new stadium at Ashburton Grove. Unfortunately, due to a mix-up over times (not my fault, honestly), I managed to arrive after the coach had left for the tour. But I was fortunate to be able to tag on to the end of another Arsenal tour which took me into the directors’ box and the home changing rooms, where all the shirts were hanging up.
Then, I also got to see the tunnel the players come out of – not a view I’d ever previously had at Arsenal. I also got to go into the boardroom. All in all it was great fun.
Fortunately, I’m now booked onto another tour which should see me finally get to visit the new stadium!
Here’s a slideshow of some of my pictures from Highbury.





One response to “Highbury and “Something Else””

  1. gia avatar

    I’ll show you the contents of my NDA, if you show me yours… 🙂 How very intriguing….