WordPress Up and Running

I’ve migrated my blog over to WordPress.

With luck most things should be working fine, including feeds – the main way that people see this blog’s writing. You shouldn’t have to do anything, and old links should redirect accordingly.

However in the short term, feed readers may re-present some older updates on a one-off basis.

And if you do spot anything obvious broken, please do drop me a note (Commenting should be much easier now).

This is probably something of a work in progress, so you may see changes in layout and design over the coming weeks as I come across things I don’t like. That’s especially true because at the moment, it still looks a bit “WordPress-y” for my liking.

I will publish a detailed piece that goes through some of the trials and tribulations I came across – if only to help the three other people in the world who might be facing the same issues as me if they want to upgrade.





4 responses to “WordPress Up and Running”

  1. Kevin Spencer avatar

    Nice. Now I think I’m quite possibly the only one left on Movable Type.

  2. Adam Bowie avatar

    I think that there are still a few Movable Type blogs kicking about. What pushed me over the edge and into biting the bullet was the new management basically hiding the latest “blogger” version of MT. You’ll not really find any mention of it on their site anymore, with several broken links.

    It’s all a bit painful, and took me a frustrating day and a half off and on – but I go there in the end. I’ll detail the process shortly in case you’re interested.

  3. Kevin Spencer avatar

    Yeah, I’m interested and think it would be a good read.

  4. adambowie avatar

    I’ve detailed it all here so good luck if you decide to do the same!