Category: Video

  • Fen Drayton Lakes – Video

    Following on from my previous post with a few photos, here’s a video I shot at the same time. Fen Drayton from Adam Bowie on Vimeo.

  • Morston Salt Marshes

    Morston Salt Marshes from Adam Bowie on Vimeo. This is something of a companion piece to my previous salt marshes video which was shot a little further down the coast at Blakeney and Cley. Morston quay also has passage out into the sound, Blakeney Pit, and onwards to Blakeney Point. The music is from the…

  • NFL on Twitter… in the UK

    Earlier this year, Twitter signed a deal with the NFL to stream 10 Thursday Night Football games. They paid around $10m, and the NFL noted that theirs wasn’t the highest offer on the table. I’m not going to get into the whys and wherefores of Twitter’s strategy. For the NFL, it’s about reaching harder to…

  • The Salt Marshes of North Norfolk and the Supermoon

    I spent a few hours out in Blakeney and Cley next the Sea, flying my drone today, and shooting both some stills and video of the landscape there. The marshes remain busy in the winter with many birds either passing through or spending the winter months amongst the marshes. The colour of the salt marshes…

  • Devil’s Dyke

    There are at least two Devil’s Dykes in the south of England. I decided that I’d be walking the one in Cambridgeshire, following a mention both in an autumn walks supplement in The Guardian, and an appearance in Tony Robinson’s Britain’s Ancient Trackways part of the Icknield Way. Naturally, I took my drone with me.…

  • Hilly Fields Early One Saturday

    Hilly Fields Overhead from Adam Bowie on Vimeo. Music by Cat’s Eyes from The Duke of Burgundy soundtrack. Their new album Treasure House, is also excellent.

  • Camber

    Fraggle 16 from Adam Bowie on Vimeo. Shot near Jury’s Rig, Camber Sands.

  • Cycling in the City

    Cycling in the City from Adam Bowie on Vimeo. Here’s a short film I shot with my Super 8 camera about four years ago that somehow hadn’t previously seen the light of day. The film was basically shot on my commute to work along the cycle paths of Bloomsbury and around Tavistock Square. Unfortunately, I…

  • North Norfolk Coast

    The North Norfolk Coast from Adam Bowie on Vimeo. This video is slightly more recent than yesterday’s timelapse video. It was shot back in March in Sheringham, Salthouse and Cley on the North Norfolk coast. The music is by Arvo Pärt. Available in 2K!

  • A Timelapse of 25 Great Pulteney Street, London

    25 Great Pulteney Street – Timelapse from Adam Bowie on Vimeo. Do you ever embark on a project that somehow you never quite get around to completing? I certainly do. And here, finally, is a project that I’ve completed some six years after I started it. This begins back in 2010 when I was still…

  • Early One Sunday Morning

    Sunday Morning in Trent Park from Adam Bowie on Vimeo. Taken in Trent Park, Enfield, earlier this morning. The music is Finlandia by Sibelius (criminally cut short, but there you go). A little bit of rolling shutter visible. This may be my encoding solution. And I notice that Vimeo can accommodate higher resolution videos, so…

  • Capturing MiniDV Tapes

    Time flies in technology, and “old” formats get left behind frighteningly quickly. Here’s my problem. I have a box of perhaps 100 Mini DV video tapes. They were shot with a camera that still works, and I want to capture the files into a digital format for preservation (I will hang onto the tapes as…