Currys/Dixons to Stop Stocking…

I can’t believe the number of times that Dixons Stores Group can put out effectively the same press release, and still get the media lapping it up.
Today, it’s the shock-horror news that they’re no longer going to sell blank cassettes. Are we going to get this same story every time DSG makes a decision about what products they’re going to stock?
We’ve already had VCRs, Analogue Radios (not remotely true as they still sell worldband radios as well as AM/FM radios built into mini-systems), CRT televisions (even though in many cases, they’re still better than their flatscreen equivalents), 35mm film cameras (nobody’s making them much, so it’s moot) and even incandescent bulbs (seriously – who goes to Currys to buy bulbs?). I expect I missed the LaserDisc, Disc Camera and Eight-track Cartridge announcements.
Isn’t reporting these releases the equivalent to building a feature from a press-released “poll?” Mabe Argos is missing a trick by not listing junked items between its catalogues.
It’s just lazy journalism.





One response to “Currys/Dixons to Stop Stocking…”

  1. Tony Moorey avatar
    Tony Moorey

    My independent survey has found that more than 50% of news outlets are happy to construct articles that take little more effort than [Ctrl+C], [Ctrl+V].